Furlong Park School for Deaf Children
Furlong Park School for Deaf Children
Furlong Park School for Deaf Children is a specialist school located 16km west of the Melbourne CBD within the city of Brimbank.
The school operates 7 homeroom classes with a separate Early Education Program that combined accounts for a total of 65 enrolments. Teachers deliver personalised learning programs for students - specialist programs include Auslan, Music, Kitchen, Garden, Library, Art and Science/Technology as part of the core curriculum.
Stage 3 works at Furlong Park School include include the refurbishment, upgrade and new build of:
- Learning Base
- New build classroom block
- Courtyard
- Resource Intensive Learning
- Learning Resource Centre
- School Community Hub
- Administration building
CLIENT: Victorian School Building Authority
ROLE: Project Manager & Superintendent
ARCHITECT: 3iD Architecture