Yarra House

Forensicare (Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health) is the statewide specialist provider of forensic mental health services in Victoria. Forensicare works in partnership with Swinburne University of Technology (through the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science) to deliver a forensic mental health research program, specialist training and ongoing professional education.

Forensicare has leased Yarra House, (located on the adjacent Melbourne Polytechnic campus) to support these research activities alongside Swinburne University as the tenant and provide additional administration associated to the Thomas Embling Hospital upgrade.

Yarra House is a Heritage Victoria listed 3 storey property, formerly a Nurses’ home that requires internal renovations to convert it from student accommodation to office, training and education spaces.

Engaged at project initiation, Fontic supported preparation of the project brief and managed the appointment of the consultant team. Fontic has overseen the refinement of the brief via stakeholder engagement and managed the Lead Design Consultant in developing the emerging design in consultation with Heritage Victoria and City of Yarra.

CLIENT: Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health & Swinburne University

ROLE: Project Manager & Superintendent

ARCHITECT: Kosloff Architecture


Furlong Park School for Deaf Children

