St Kevin's College, 4-Campus Masterplan

St Kevin's College, 4-Campus Masterplan

The multi-campus master plan project seeks to upgrade and enhance the school’s services and facilities and is fundamental in ensuring that St Kevin’s College continues to deliver high-quality teaching and learning environments to address the future educational needs for the short, medium and long term benefits of its students and the broader community.

St Kevin’s has four campuses based in inner Melbourne: · Heyington (Senior School) · Waterford (Year 9) · Glendalough (Prep – Year 6) · Tooronga Sports Field

Jackson Clements Burrows Architects, in conjunction with New Learning Environments as the specialist education consultant, have worked with the College to conduct extensive stakeholder engagement through in-person workshops and surveys with staff, students and senior leadership teams from Prep to Year 12. This process places a strong focus on understanding the St Kevin’s pedagogy to ensure that the physical built form is supportive of the College's education vision and allows flexibility to evolve over time.

Fontic has facilitated an extensive review of existing conditions across the four campuses including land surveying, planning and legal controls, services conditions and traffic assessments. This data has been collated and used to inform to further develop the design proposals within the capital masterplan for new build and refurbishment works across the St Kevin’s College campuses in the next 15 years.

CLIENT: St Kevin’s College

ROLE: Masterplanning advisory and project Manager

ARCHITECT: Jackson Clements Burrows Architects


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AGL Sydney